Frozen Fury –
Agricultural Crops and Hail Damage
Agriculture generates over $2.5 trillion annually for the global economy. This book explores the history of cereal, pulse, and oilseed crops, how their seeds are structured, how the seeds germinate, and finally, the plant growth stages.
Each year, global agriculture efforts are beset by tens of billions of dollars in damage from hail storms. Have you considered what hail is and where it comes from? Can hail storms be suppressed?
Each year insurance companies pay out vast sums of money to indemnify farm operators who have purchased crop hail insurance. What types of policies can farm operators purchase? How do crops respond to hail when damaged at different growth stages and how does this influence insurance payouts?
Frozen Fury is written as a resource for farm operators, agricultural students, and hail adjustors.
Release Date: March 1, 2022
242 pages
ISBN: 978-1-989078-85-3 for Paperback ($19.99 CDN)
ISBN: 978-1-989078-92-1 for eBook ($9.99 CDN
Available at Penny University Bookstore (Regina) and online (Amazon)
For interviews, contact the author Malcolm Bucholtz
at Phone (306-216-6663) or Email (supercyclereport@gmail.com)
About the author – Malcolm Bucholtz
Malcolm Bucholtz has a passion for learning, particularly about all things mathematical and scientific. An Engineering degree led to a 16-year career in the Canadian steel industry in a variety of roles. During this time, he developed a passion for beer brewing.
Seeking to learn more about finance he returned to school for an MBA degree from Heriot Watt University in Scotland. This resulted in an opportunity to become an Investment Advisor and Commodity Trader. Several years later an opportunity presented itself to become President/CEO of a publicly traded mineral exploration company focused on rare earth mineral deposits in New Mexico.
After years of travelling back and forth to the US, he decided to slow down and more fully pursue his hobby of brewing and distilling. But as the craft distilling phenomenon gripped Canadian entrepreneurs, he started teaching these entrepreneurs technical courses related to brewing and distilling science. This led to returning to Heriot Watt University in 2017 to pursue a M.Sc. degree in Brewing & Distilling Science. In 2020, he decided to become a hail insurance adjustor to learn first hand about plant growth. This experience proved to be of immense help in writing his thesis paper for his Masters degree. Since completing his M.Sc. degree he has authored two books on the subject of distilling. A book exploring the deep science of beer brewing is slated for release later in 2022.
When not delivering technical courses on brewing or distilling, Malcolm trades the financial markets using mathematical techniques rooted in astronomy and esoteric math. He writes a bi-weekly subscription-based investing newsletter. Each year, he publishes a Financial Astrology Almanac.
He is the author of nineteen books in total. He resides in the small farming community of Mossbank, Saskatchewan.