Doug is a dynamic leader that has built a career of continuous learning in the field of leadership. Doug is a public servant and operates Doug Forsdick Coaching and Consulting Services in Victoria, BC. As a Certified Executive Coach with ACC designation through the International Coaching Federation, Doug has coached many leaders at all levels from individuals preparing for their first job to Deputy Ministers.
Doug has over 35 years of leadership experience in his law enforcement career. As well, he has led numerous local, national and international boards and organizations. Doug believes in giving back to emerging leaders through mentorship, coaching and support.
Doug cares about those around him, holds himself and his team members to a high standard and always places a top priority on the sharing of knowledge and continuous learning.
Doug operates his coaching and consulting business in Victoria, British Columbia and lives with his wonderful girlfriend Anita on their rural property.
What Doug’s Clients and Employees Say About Him:
“Doug is a leader that cares about his people. He is someone that has always been respected by those around him. He has taught and mentored so many throughout his career. He is an asset to the public service.” – RK, Assistant Deputy Minister
“Doug’s coaching has been exactly what I needed to walk with me as I had several difficult decisions to make. He was there to challenge me, re-frame my situation and ultimately hold me capable of making decisions that I would not have had the confidence to make without his coaching. He has truly made a difference in my life.” – WT, Canadian Coast Guard
“Doug is someone that truly understands leadership and accountability. He has a talent for always bringing out the best in those around him. He demands a great deal from his team but people want to work hard for Doug because he cares about people and he always looks after his team. I love that Doug always takes the time to share, teach and mentor those around him. Doug is an amazing leader that has shaped my career.” – BM, International Policing Expert
“Doug is a compassionate and caring coach that truly helped me find the answers from within me. He has helped me to find my confidence again. The future is bright for me and I don’t think I would have been able to get to this place without his help.” – DL, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada