A Stroke of Grace – A Guide to Understanding and Living with an Acquired Brain Injury
Julianne Heagy experienced a stroke on May 21, 2019.
Following her stroke, she felt unsupported by the systems that should be in place to care for post-stroke victims. She knew there were resources available but with an inability to hold a thought or comprehend written words, Julianne became frustrated with her search for information. Aside from her family doctor, she seemed to be alone in her struggle to find information about therapies, services and policies.
As Julianne began to heal, she could recall some of what she needed to know and committed to taking notes and sharing her findings with others on the same acquired brain injury path. This book is a roadmap of what Julianne learned on her journey.
It is Julianne’s firm belief that everything in our lives happens for us and not to us. She wrote this book now because she found improvement in her health, peace, and joy and wanted to use her experience to help others.
The author’s goal is to educate, empower and encourage others with an acquired brain injury. This book provides the information, easily and simply, for those struggling to ask the questions and find the resources.
Praise for “A Stroke of Grace”
“A Stroke of Grace is a bravely written book that is hard to put down! Julianne Heagy describes in detail the frustration and heartbreaking losses a person with ABI experiences. She also provides an inspiring yet realistic roadmap for people with ABI and for those who love us to move forward into living life at its fullest and with grace.”
Kathleen Thompson, PhD, MSW, RSW, Co-Chair, National Network for Mental Health
“A book about courage and grace, A Stroke of Grace draws the reader into the author’s life experience. Despite challenging circumstances, Julianne Heagy has become a guide by sharing tools to help one transform from a victim to a hero in one’s life. By sharing this “perfectly imperfect” part of her life, Julianne helps bring clarity, tools and hope to the reader. It will empower others to navigate a brain injury world (theirs and others) with courage and grace.”
Alison Lewis, B. Ed, Teacher and Artist
“From the first chapter I was drawn into this heartwarming, true story feeling as though I was part of the experience. The Stroke of Grace will inspire a new understanding in you that life is fragile and a precious gift to appreciate.”
Corliss Rassyle Best-selling author of Lead Your Life; How to Live With Purpose, Passion and Confidence
“This book taught me that we often take our good health for granted. But little do we know that a health crisis can unfold in the blink of an eye. Our routines, career aspirations, and relationships can all be upended in a blink. This is the true story of a woman who suffered a stroke and a subsequent acquired brain injury and her tumultuous two-year journey back to her new self.”
Malcolm Bucholtz, MBA, MSc., Author
“What a wonderful book you’ve written! I couldn’t put it down. This book is perfect for someone with an ABI, their caregivers, their family, and those providing therapeutic support. I would recommend this book to anyone who has come into contact with someone with an ABI. Those in positions to provide guidance in the simple tasks to the bureaucratic hurtles would also learn from the author’s experiences.”
Trish Ireland, Retired Bank Services Supervisor, Government of Saskatchewan
“This book describes the battles the author overcame and tips for others with an ABI. A lesson in never giving up, to ask ‘How can I?’ instead of declaring ‘I can’t.’” Troy Rusu, Acquired Brain Injury Program, Saskatchewan Health Authority
A Stroke of Grace – Companion Journal (Book 2)

A Stroke of Grace – Gratitude Journal (Book 3)