Jeanne Martinson, Professional Speaker, Publisher, Editor & Book Coach

After writing more than a dozen books herself, some that were self-published, some that were traditionally published, Jeanne decided to help others get their words and wisdom out in the world and launched Wood Dragon Books. In her previous life as a speaker on leading diverse workforces, Jeanne spoke in six countries on three different continents.
Today, she focuses her professional speaking on the writing and publishing field:
Conference/Event Keynotes
The Publishing Triangle of Conflict – Why Authors, Editors, Publishers Constantly Disappoint Each Other – this keynote discusses the unspoken and misunderstood expectations between these three roles in the publishing industry.
The Myth of Writer’s Block – 5 Strategies to Breaking Through – this keynote covers five specific strategies to get non-fiction authors moving on their writing projects, continuing on the writing projects – and FINISHING their writing projects.
Understanding Your Author Personality – this keynote covers the four key questions to ask yourself to ensure you write your book with the least stress, time and effort possible!
The Book Project – this workshop takes the author through the book project process from book idea to marketing launch. Based on Jeanne’s book “Hemingway or Twain – Unleashing Your Author Personality.”