Do you dream about writing a book and having it published?
Wood Dragon Books, an indie hybrid publisher based in Mossbank, Saskatchewan has launched a publishing competition for young authors. Up to three titles will be chosen from the competition entries and published.
Deadline for entry : September 30, 2024
Do you live in the area covered by the Palliser Library Region (southern Saskatchewan), have a library card, and are over 15 years of age (but not over 18 years of age) as of September 30, 2024?
This means the author:
- must be at least 15 years of age by September 30, 2024
- must still be in secondary school as of September 30, 2024
- must not be more than 18 years of age as of September 30, 2024
Guidelines, Deadlines and Rules
What must a submission include?
Application Form – (including signatures of student and guardian)

Content Documents:
- your book plot outline (maximum 2 pages)
- character backstory of one major character (maximum one page)
- five pages writing sample of the book
What is a plot outline? A plot outline can best be thought of as a “book report,” which details what happens in the story, by who, and to whom. Most plot outlines have the following components: the characters, the setting of the book, the events, the conflict, and the resolution. These essential elements keep the story running smoothly and allow the action to develop in a logical way that the reader can follow. Some common types of plot outlines are overcoming the monster, rags to riches, voyage and return, comedy, tragedy, rebirth, person versus higher power/fate, person versus self.
What is a character backstory? A character backstory details the significant events and life experiences the character had before the character shows up in the book. The backstory also includes the motivation of the character (what do they most want and what are they willing to do to get it, what do they have that they most love or need and what are they willing to do to keep it), and their fears (imagined and real), their physical characteristics (what they look like, sound like, dress like, walk like). Although only parts of the character backstory will be revealed in the book, it is essential—both for the author as a guide in writing and for the publisher as a guide in editing.
How can I enter my submission? You can mail your submission to Wood Dragon Books, Box 429, Mossbank, SK S0H3G0 (postmarked no later than September 30, 2024) or email your submission to or
The submission must include: Application Form (PDF with scanned signatures or printed out with original signatures), book plot outline, character backstory, and a five-page writing sample to
How will I know my submission is received? You will receive a confirmation email.
How many titles will be published? A maximum of three winning manuscripts will be published – 1st (Gold), 2nd (Silver), 3rd (Bronze)
What do the different prizes include:
Gold – 1st Prize will be a book published in print, eBook and audio formats
Silver – 2nd Prize will be a book published in print and eBook formats
Bronze – 3rd Prize will be a book published in eBook format.
What does it cost the author to enter or win? Nothing.
What is my obligation should I win? The author is responsible for the work of writing and rewriting the book until it meets the publisher’s standard of a readable, meaningful and marketable manuscript. Wood Dragon Books provides the editing, book cover design, interior design and formatting, and production costs.
Does the author make money on the book? If so, how? Yes. All avenues of sales (whether through online sales or bookstores) provide royalties or net profits after production, shipping, etc. Each platform and format pays different rates and therefore one book, depending on the sales medium and format, will pay out $1-$8 (based on a book of approximately 200 pages in paperback). The publisher receives 50% of all payouts and the author would receive 50%. This author payout is considerably higher than industry standard. Royalties are paid twice a year in July and January.
Can the author get discounted print copies to sell or give away? Yes, Gold and Silver recipients can purchase print copies at a discounted price.
What is the deadline for entry? September 30th, 2024
Why do I need a library card number to enter? All (and we use that universal term deliberately) successful authors are readers and we wish to encourage young authors to become very comfortable with their local libraries and their services. Also, the Palliser Regional Library is the geographic area this competition is focused on, versus a school district or municipality.
Can I make a submission if I live outside of the Palliser Regional Library area? No
What kinds of genre can be included? This is a competition for FICTION only. With the exception of poetry and horror, all genres are acceptable. We welcome sci-fi, mystery, fantasy, romance, etc.
What is the minimum word count for the final manuscript? 40,000 words
What are the stages and deadlines of the competition?
- Submissions are received by September 30, 2023.
- The team at WDB acknowledges all entries by email.
- The WDB team reviews submissions and chooses a shortlist for the next stage of the competition. (Students will be notified if they are on the shortlist or not by October 15th, 2024.)
- The shortlisted authors will be coached as to the publishing process through monthly group Zoom calls from WDB.
- Students submit completed first draft manuscripts by May 15th, 2025.
- The WDB team reviews manuscripts and chooses up to three authors for publishing and the ranking of 1st, 2nd and 3rd. (Students will be notified if they are on the final list of 3 and in what category by June 1st. )
- The ranking of the 3 authors (1st, 2nd and 3rd) will be announced publicly before the end of the school year.
- WDB and the winning authors (and guardians) sign a publishing contract confirming royalties and rights to produce.
- The authors then begin the task of rewriting their manuscript until it is ready for publishing, working with an editor assigned to them by Wood Dragon Books. At WDB, we generally edit a manuscript five times before it is ready for publication. If at any time in this process, an author chooses not to continue the progression of editing and rewriting, they may drop out of the competition.
- The publication goal date for all three books is November 2025.
What happens once the book is complete and produced? WDB continues to coach authors regarding possible book launches, signings, book award submissions, book catalogue submissions, and book review submissions.
Announcing our first competition’s recipient!
Author Payton Todd!
Her book, The Amnesia Project, was released May 6th, 2023!